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Options for a Planet in Peril - Scott Jones


C.B. Scott Jones Ph.D. Hawaii Presentation June 2006
Dr. Jones speaks at a June 2006 world peace and extraterrestrial life conference organized by the Exopolitics Institute:

He was Special Assistant to Senator Claiborne Pell from January 1985 until March 1991.

He is known for his involvement with the Laurance Rockefeller UFO disclosure project through the Clinton administration in the 1990s.

He is a retired Commander in the U.S. Navy where approximately half of his 39 naval career was spent in intelligence service in the United States and overseas.

In 1989, he and Senator Claiborne Pell co-founded the Human Potential Foundation where they became involved in a number of research projects.

Under the Center for Interspecies Communications, the Human Potential Foundation conducted Projects Neptune Helper I and II, dolphin research with Atlantic Bottlenose and Spotted dolphins.

A major two-year program funded by Laurance Rockefeller was completed with an international conference, When Cosmic Cultures Meet, in Washington, D.C. in May 1995.

In November 1998, the Human Potential Foundation was dissolved and its principal undertaking, a global peace initiative, transferred to the newly established Peace and Emergency Action Coalition for Earth, Inc. where Dr. Jones is president today. Principal Website:

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