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Australian UFO wave 3 (fake)


FICTIONAL REPORT: 22nd May 2006. Mt Lawley, Perth. Three witnesses.

Filmed by the man who runs this website (and the inspiration that got me into all this). Very early morning, looking East, a diamond shaped light moved backwards and forwards across the sky for six minutes (plus the two minutes it took for me to get the camera out.) Half an hour earlier I'd seen another very bright light in this area (but without my glasses on.)

REALITY: This is a genuine UFO, shot from my kitchen window. The light moved steadily across the sky, and looked a little like a very-high aeroplane contrail. At times it appears to move backwards, but this may be an artefact of the camera's built-in stabiliser. Half an hour earlier, I really had seen another very bright light, but without my glasses on...
source : http://www.australianufowave.com/archive.html


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