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Australian UFO wave 20 (fake)


FICTIONAL REPORT: 15.7.06, Near Mundijong, WA, One witness

The witness (an amateur pilot) was driving East towards the hills, and saw what he assumed to be unusual military activity in the sky, so he stopped at the side of the road to get some on video. He says the low sun was shining on the camera's LCD screen, making it very difficult to track the object. (Although this looks like it was shot in a rural area, it's actually by a major road not far from Perth, and the witness is certain there must be other witnesses. If so, please let us know.)

REALITY: This stealth-bomber-like UFO was another demonstration of how a CG object can be made to fly behind objects - even when they're as jagged as this tree. Interestingly, one FX expert wrote in suggesting that the background was a still photo - which it isn't. But congratualtions to her for spotting the motion blur trails, which are clearly computer genreated. She was the only person to do so. (By coincidence, the day we uploaded this clip, Stealth Bombers arrived in Australia for the first time. A few people wrote to insist that this black shape was some form of unmanned military machine.)
source : http://www.australianufowave.com/archive.html

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